The Last of Us 2 - Forward Base

View from the car ride between "The Stadium" to "Forward Base".

View from the car ride between "The Stadium" to "Forward Base".

Close up shot of the Seattle Skyline created for the "Forward Base on Foot".

Close up shot of the Seattle Skyline created for the "Forward Base on Foot".

Mid-Ground area surrounding the Garden Center.

Mid-Ground area surrounding the Garden Center.

Looking out of Forward Base onto the Seattle Skyline.

Looking out of Forward Base onto the Seattle Skyline.

I had the opportunity to work on the Seattle vistas through out the game with my partner Kathy Ray. Working on this massive 360 vista was an amazing experience.
My responsibilities included: Initial blockout through to final art for the vista, Modeling, UVing, LODs, Set Dressing, Collision Meshes, World Building, Lows and Mid-Ground art.

Working at Naughty Dog is a very collaborative process and I worked between many different teams. The gameplay spaces across these renders include many other artists work including Brian Beppu, Sarah Swenson, Zak Oliver, Max Golosiy and lighting by Steve Cummings.